Error Codes Print

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DayZ | Error Codes

General Differentiation between Error Codes

Error codes are split into five sections:

  1. Header → "Warning"
  2. Full Error Code → (0x0004007E) → Category: 0004 = ClientKicked → Code: 007E = VE_MISSING_BISIGN - 2-part error code to sort the exact error
  3. Prefix → "You were kicked off the game" - describes the event that happened
  4. Message → "Client has a PBO which is missing a .bisign." - reason for the kick
  5. Additional Info → "(addons\ai.pbo)" - if applicable, gives detailed information on affected files

Error categories and Codes

0001 - Error when connecting to a server

Error Code Message
0x00010001 - SERVER_UNREACHABLE Could not reach the server.
0x00010002 - ALREADY_CONNECTING The client is already joining a server.
0x00010003 - ERROR_MSG_SHOWED Please confirm the error on screen.
0x00010004 - INCORRECT_CLIENT_STATE The client is already connected or is connecting to a server.
0x00010005 - INVALID_SESSION Invalid session
0x00010006 - VERSION_MISMATCH Your currently installed game version is not compatible with this server.
0x00010007 - VERSION_MISMATCH_RB The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server
0x00010008 - VERSION_MISMATCH_AB The current game version (client) is not compatible with this server
0x00010009 - DLC_CHECK_FAILED This server is running Livonia DLC that is not owned.
0x0001000A - EMPTY_PASSWORD Password cannot be empty.
0x0001000B - PASSWORD Server is password protected.
0x0001000C - BE_LICENCE Server is using BE and it has not yet been agreed to.

0002 - The server rejected the connection

Error Code Message
0x00020001 - WRONG_PASSWORD Cannot join the session. Wrong password entered.
0x00020002 - WRONG_VERSION Bad version, server rejected the connection.
0x00020003 - CONNECT_ERROR Connecting failed.
0x00020004 - SESSION_FULL Maximum number of players has been reached.
0x00020005 - FILE_PATCHING The server does not accept the client's current filePatching setting.
0x00020006 - ALREADY_CONNECTED Client is already connected to a server.
0x00020007 - HOST_ADDRESS Unable to resolve host address.
0x00020008 - NET_CHANNEL Client failed to create NetChannel to the server.
0x00020009 - CONNECT Connecting failed.
0x0002000A - REQUEST_PLAYER Failed to request player.
0x0002000B - CREATE_PLAYER Failed to create player.
0x0002000C - TIMEOUT Timed out, no response from server.
0x0002000D - UID Server failed to find Player UID.
0x0002000E - NET_CHANNEL_SERVER Server failed to create NetChannel to client.
0x0002000F - ACTIVATE Server failed to activate session.
0x00020010 - SERVER_LOCKED This server is currently locked.
0x00020011 - SERVER_SHUTDOWN Server is shutting down.
0x00020012 - BUILD_SMALLER Client is an older build than the server.

Please update your game.

0x00020013 - BUILD_GREATER Client is a newer build than the server.

Please wait until server is updated.

0x00020014 - VERSION_SMALLER Client is an older version than the server.

Please update your game.

0x00020015 - VERSION_GREATER Client is a newer version than the server.

Please wait until server is updated.

0x00020016 - EQUAL_MOD Server and client do not have equal mods while server enforces it.
0x00020017 - CLIENT_DIAG Client is using Diag exe while server is not.
0x00020018 - SERVER_DIAG Server is using Diag exe while client is not.

0003 - Connection errors trown from script-side

Error code Message
0x00030001 - ALREADY_CONNECTING Already joining a server. Do you want to cancel connecting?
0x00030002 - ALREADY_CONNECTING_THIS Already connecting to this server. Please wait.

0004 - The client was kicked from the server

Short Error code Message
1 0x00040001 - SERVER_EXIT Server is exiting and therefore attempting to kick all players to save them properly before completely terminating the program.
2 0x00040002 - KICK_ALL_ADMIN Admin kicked all (RCON)
3 0x00040003 - KICK_ALL_SERVER Server kicked all
4 0x00040004 - TIMEOUT Players network timed out
5 0x00040005 - LOGOUT Player logged out (does not need a message as it is not an "error"
6 0x00040006 - KICK Generic kick
7 0x00040007 - BAN Player was banned
8 0x00040008 - PING Server has a ping limit and player went over it
9 0x00040009 - MODIFIED_DATA Player has modified data or has a corrupted install
10 0x0004000A - UNSTABLE_NETWORK Unstable connection
11 0x0004000B - SERVER_SHUTDOWN Shutdown message from messages.xml reached 1 minute and is saving, kicking player and locking down the server to properly shut down
12 0x0004000C - NOT_WHITELISTED Player is not present in whitelist.txt
13 0x0004000D - NO_IDENTITY No identity was received, so server could not finish creating identity
14 0x0004000E - INVALID_UID Player id is invalid (either "ERROR" or empty)
15 0x0004000F - BANK_COUNT Player amount of banks changed while playing
16 0x00040010 - ADMIN_KICK Player was kicked by admin through RCON
17 0x00040011 - INVALID_ID Player ID is not valid
LoginMachine Kicks (0x0030)
48 0x00040030 - LOGIN_MACHINE_ERROR Generic LoginMachine error (fallback)
49 0x00040031 - PLAYER_STATE_TIMEOUT Player spent too much time in one state of the LoginMachine
50 0x00040032 - IDENTITY_NOT_CREATED Player was assigned but identity was not yet created
51 0x00040033 - DUPLICATE_UID Player tried to log in while not being logged out yet
52 0x00040034 - DB_PING_RESPONSE Unknown/unexpected database response
53 0x00040035 - DB_IDENTITY Identity not found
54 0x00040036 - DB_TIMEOUT Database connection timed out
55 0x00040037 - DB_BAD_VERSION Unsupported version of character data
56 0x00040038 - DB_ERROR Database error
57 0x00040039 - DB_APP_ERROR Something went wrong on server
58 0x0004003A - DB_APP_EXIT Application is exiting
59 0x0004003B - DB_BAD_DATA Character data check failed

The max amounts of attempts is controlled by server config "shardInitRetryCount"

60 0x0004003C - DB_GET_RESPONSE Unknown/unexpected database response
61 0x0004003D - NO_PLAYER Player was not created on server
62 0x0004003E - CREATE_NEW_CLIENT Creating of the client with a new character failed
63 0x0004003F - CREATE_LOADED_CHAR Creating the existing character failed
64 0x00040040 - LOAD_LOADED_CHAR Loading the existing character failed
65 0x00040041 - NO_NETWORK_INFO Network info for player not found
66 0x00040042 - CREATE_READY_CLIENT Creating of the client with loaded character failed
67 0x00040043 - RECONNECT_INFO No info for reconnecting character
68 0x00040044 - RECONNECT_IDENTITY No identity for reconnecting character
69 0x00040045 - RECONNECT_CHAR No character for reconnecting character
RespawnMachine Kicks (0x0050)
70 0x00040050 - INIT_RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when initializing respawn
71 0x00040051 - RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when respawning
72 0x00040052 - NEW_RESPAWN_NETWORK No network info when respawning
73 0x00040053 - NEW_RESPAWN_IDENTITY No identity when respawning
74 0x00040054 - NEW_RESPAWN_INFO No info when respawning
75 0x00040055 - RESPAWN_NEW_CLIENT Creating of client with new respawned character failed
PlayerVerification Kicks (0x0060)
96 0x00040060 - PLAYER_VERIFICATION Generic PlayerVerification error (fallback)
97 0x00040061 - NO_INFO No player info
98 0x00040062 - BROKEN_DATA Data could not be verified because it is corrupt
VerificationError (0x0070)
112 0x00040070 - VERIFICATION_ERROR Should never appear unless: see notes
113 0x00040071 - VE_UNKNOWN Generic Verification error (fallback)
114 0x00040072 - VE_DECOMPRESS Data received by Server is corrupted
115 0x00040073 - VE_MISSING_MOD Client is missing a mod which is on Server
116 0x00040074 - VE_EXTRA_MOD Client has a mod which is not on Server
117 0x00040075 - VE_CLIENT_CORRUPT Client installation is corrupt
118 0x00040076 - VE_SERVER_CORRUPT Server installation is corrupt
119 0x00040077 - VE_UNEXPECTED_MOD_PBO Client has a PBO which is not part of Server
120 0x00040078 - VE_UM_ROGUE_PBO Client has a PBO which is not part of Server
121 0x00040079 - VE_UM_CLIENT_UPDATED Extra PBO most likely because Client has a newer version of mod
122 0x0004007A - VE_UM_SERVER_UPDATED Extra PBO most likely because Server has a newer version of mod
123 0x0004007B - VE_UNEXPECTED_SOURCE The source of the Extra PBO could not be determined
124 0x0004007C - VE_PATCHED_PBO Client has a patched PBO
125 0x0004007D - VE_INTEGRITY Client has a corrupted or modified file
126 0x0004007E - VE_MISSING_BISIGN Client has a PBO which is missing a .bisign
127 0x0004007F - VE_MISSING_PBO Missing PBO
128 0x00040080 - VE_M_ROGUE_PBO Missing PBO from unknown origins
129 0x00040081 - VE_M_CLIENT_UPDATED Missing PBO most likely because Client has a newer version of mod
130 0x00040082 - VE_M_SERVER_UPDATED Missing PBO most likely because Server has a newer version of mod
131 0x00040083 - VE_M_SERVER_CORRUPT Server installation is corrupt
132 0x00040084 - VE_M_CLIENT_CORRUPT Client installation is corrupt
133 0x00040085 - VE_M_UNEXPECTED_SOURCE The source of the Missing PBO could not be determined
PBO Mismatch (0x0090)
144 0x00040090 - PBO_MISMATCH Server and Client are using different PBO.
145 0x00040091 - PBO_VERSION_MISMATCH Server and Client are using different PBO versions.
146 0x00040092 - PBO_CLIENT_UPDATED Client has a more recent version.
147 0x00040093 - PBO_SERVER_UPDATED Server has a more recent version.
AuthError Kicks (0x00A0)
160 0x000400A0 - AUTH_ERROR Generic AuthError error (fallback)
161 0x000400A1 - AUTH_NO_USER The user was not found on the Server
Steam Validate (0x00B0)
176 0x000400B0 - AUTH_INVALID_STEAM_VALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
177 0x000400B1 - AUTH_NO_SERVER Server is not initialized properly.
178 0x000400B2 - AUTH_INVALID_TICKET Ticket is not valid.
179 0x000400B3 - AUTH_DUPLICATE_REQUEST A ticket has already been submitted for this steamID.
180 0x000400B4 - AUTH_INVALID_VERSION Ticket is from an incompatible interface version.
181 0x000400B5- AUTH_GAME_MISMATCH Ticket is not for this game.
182 0x000400B6 - AUTH_EXPIRED_TICKET Ticket has expired.
Steam OnValidate (0x00C0)
192 0x000400C0 - AUTH_INVALID_STEAM_ONVALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
193 0x000400C1 - AUTH_USER_NOT_CONNECTED The user in question is not connected to steam.
194 0x000400C2 - AUTH_LICENCE The license has expired.
195 0x000400C3 - AUTH_SERVICE_BAN The user is VAC banned for this game.
196 0x000400C4 - AUTH_LOGGED_IN_ELSEWHERE The user account has logged in elsewhere and the session containing the game instance has been disconnected.
197 0x000400C5 - AUTH_TIMEOUT VAC has been unable to perform anti-cheat checks on this user.
198 0x000400C6 - AUTH_CANCELED The ticket has been canceled by the issuer.
199 0x000400C7 - AUTH_ALREADY_USED This ticket has already been used, it is not valid.
200 0x000400C8 - AUTH_TICKET_INVALID This ticket is not from a user instance currently connected to steam.
201 0x000400C9 - AUTH_PUBLISHER_BAN The user is banned for this game. The ban came via the web api and not VAC.
Bios Validate (0x00D0)
208 0x000400D0 - AUTH_INVALID_BIOS_VALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
209 0x000400D1 - AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_CREATE Failed to create the request to authenticate user.
210 0x000400D2 - AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_SEND Failed to send the request to authenticate user.
211 0x000400D3 - AUTH_BIOS_REQUEST_WAIT Failed to receive authentication response.
212 0x000400D4 - AUTH_UNKNOWN_BIOS_VALIDATE Unknown error
Bios OnValidate (0x00E0)
224 0x000400E0 - AUTH_INVALID_BIOS_ONVALIDATE Generic error (fallback)
225 0x000400E1 - AUTH_BIOS_WRONG_RESPONSE Unexpected response data.
226 0x000400E2 - AUTH_UNKNOWN_BIOS_ONVALIDATE Unknown error
BattlEye Kicks (0x00F0)
240 0x000400F0 - BATTLEYE Kick administred by BattlEye (Can also be Admin Kick)

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