Automatic Server Restarts with Warning Messages Print

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Here's the guide on setting up automatic restarts with warning messages on DayZ server:

  1. Open the Game Panel Scheduled Tasks.
  2. Create a New Scheduled Task.
  3. From the drop-down menu, choose Console/RCON Command and click on the New link.
  4. On the next page, enter the following details:
    RCon Password: <YOUR RCON PASSWORD>
    Command to Execute: say -1 Server is restarting in 60 minutes
    Name: Choose a preferred name for this task
    Enabled: Check the box
    Type: Daily
    Start: Set it to your preference
    Recur every: 1 day
    Repeat Task: Check the box
    Repeat every: 4 hours
    For: 24 hours

    It should look like this:
  5. To find the Rcon password, refer to the DZserver.cfg and your active BattlEye config. Remember, the Rcon password must match both cfg files.
  6. The "Repeat every 4 hours" means that the task will repeat every 4 hours for a total of 24 hours.
  7. Remember to create multiple tasks for other warning messages, such as a 30-minute warning, 15-minute warning, etc.
  8. For the Restart task, select the "Scheduled Start/Stop/Restart" task type from the drop-down menu.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.

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